Yassine Balbzioui - CHARADES

Solo show at MCC Gallery

Yassine Balbzioui's work develops around different axes: essentially painter and draftsman, he develops, in a neo-expressionist vein, a production of great formal and semantic richness, in which the representation of human animality, most often under cover of the mask, crosses the notions of derision, idiocy, the grotesque, apprehended as artistic postures.

In a distanced spirit, close to Fluxus art style simplicity (although not formally related to this movement), his theatrical work radically and systematically highlights the "spirit of seriousness" and strives, with an undeniable vitalism and raw energy, mixing art and life.
If daily life remains his main source of inspiration, a daily life constantly shifted under his unusual gaze, Yassine Balbzioui interferes with it from many worlds, those of cinema – Z series and horror films – theater and dance, tales and legends...

Everything is conducive to feeding his insatiable imagination. In perpetual research, he also develops works on various mediums: sculpture, ceramics, photographs, installations, video. Frequently putting himself on stage, he also deploys an important activity as a performer, in which we can observe the full extent of his madness!